Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Don't Be Such A Dummy, Dumbo

One man's compromise is another man's deal with the devil... only this devil doesn't play a fiddle... and this man isn't named Johnny.
Come count the crows sitting on the wire, a perfect black profile against the sky.  One... two... three... You'd better hurry - they'll soon be off, for they've work to do. 

"Anything is possible," the moral says, as a crow gives the elephant one of his feathers.

But wait... did you hear that?  Rewind the movie.  Yep, there it is again.  Turn the volume up.  Put on the subliminal messages closed captioning and you'll see.  It's the SMCC button.

"Racism is alive and well, because we like this story," the crow says to a new generation of children.  "It's an American Classic!"
Does the addict really quit for two months, or was he just on a break? Some say there's a path we're walking, but I wonder if we'll ever reach the end when we double back so often for a peek at poorly chosen nostalgia.

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