Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Putting The 'Con' In Convenience

Somewhere in the dingy black darkness of my bedroom, long past the stillness of midnight, comes the screaming out of meaning.  Though I can hardly hear it, the strain is clear.  We live in a digital age and pay for it with attention.  I fancy myself a dreamer and maybe I'm right, because if nothing ever comes of it then dreams are all there is.

We're racing a clock named Convenience, and on its face the likeness of Mickey Mouse smiles back at us innocently.  He's got two eyes and ears.  He walks and talks. Apart from the tail, he almost seems human.  In this race we struggle to get ahead, always tangled in his invisible missing whiskers, and the artificial twinkle in his corporate eyes dares us to complain to the judges that set up this race in the first place.  America the bold.  America the beautiful.  I think my country is dreaming too.

Wang!  Pay attention.

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